Saturday 30 April 2011

Walking On Water (4)

"He walked on the water... to Jesus" - Matthew 14:29 NKJV

There are many good reasons for stepping out of the boat and trying something new, or something you may have failed at before. It's the only way to develop faith, it's the alternative to being average, and it's how you discover your calling. But there's an even more important reason. '... 

He walked on the water... to Jesus.' Jesus isn't in the boat, He's on the water! And you only develop deep-water faith when you're willing to leave security and predictability and step out with Him. 

Perhaps you have worked for years creating a manageable and orderly life, maintaining the illusion of control. Now God is shaking everything up by asking you to step out in faith, allowing you to face waves that are over your head. He does this for a reason: to increase your dependence on Him. 

Maybe there was a time in your past when you risked sharing your faith, even though it meant facing rejection; or giving, even though it involved personal sacrifice; or serving, even though you felt totally inadequate. Sometimes you sank, sometimes you walked, but you lived on the edge by faith. 

Now look at you in your comfortable boat, you don't even get seasick! In fact, now you don't even feel the storm when it comes. Any time you leave the security of the boat two things will happen. First, when you fail, and you will, you won't be alone. Jesus will be no more than an arm's length from you. Second, every now and then when you do walk on water, it'll strengthen you and enable you to do greater things.

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