Friday 6 May 2011

Insights Into Ageing (1)

"The fear of the Lord adds length to life" - Proverbs 10:27 NIV

When asked about the benefits of living to be 100 years old, one centenarian smiled and said, 'There's very little peer pressure.' Thanks to medical science we're living to our eighties, nineties and beyond. But living longer means dealing with the realities of ageing. Our youth-orientated culture often gives old age a bad image, but clearly God doesn't agree. 

To Him, old age is the reward for a life well-lived, a privilege earned, an accomplishment worth celebrating, and wisdom shared to benefit succeeding generations. For the next few days let's observe some things about ageing.

Note how God sees ageing. He views long life as evidence of His favour. He says, '... Through me your days will be many, and years will be added to your life' (Proverbs 9:11 NIV). Longevity, with all its aches and pains, is a blessing. 'The fear of the Lord adds length to life, but the years of the wicked are cut short.' You say, 'But who will take care of me when I get old?' Don't worry, God will be there for you: '... "I have cared for you since you were born... I will be your God throughout your lifetime - until your hair is white with age... I will care for you"... ' (Isaiah 46:3-4 NLT). 

What an insurance policy! Is there proof that He does? Yes, ask the Psalmist. 'Once I was young, and now I am old. Yet I have never seen the godly abandoned or their children begging for bread' (Psalm 37:25 NLT).

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